Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Fifty Four Part Eight
July 24th, 2015 | Published in Dragon Wars | 2 Comments
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Lydia leapt to her feet as her parents and the others dragged the still unconscious Savira into Ystelyan’s throneroom and dropped her at Ystelyan’s feet. Ystelyan himself had returned a few minutes earlier with Daniel, who was now in the care of the healers. Now he was sitting in his throne staring down at Savira.
“We need to contain her before she wakes up.” He clapped his hands and two goblins came running in with some odd crystal chains which they attached to Savira’s wrists and ankles.
“What an interesting device,” Alaryia said. “It’ll help, but I’d suggest using your venom to make sure she stays passive. She’ll probably attack Matthias-idan or Lydia-ida again if she feels she can.”
“Hmm…” Ystelyan frowned thoughtfully. “I get the point, but I want her clear-headed to answer our questions.”
“I think we can rely on ourselves to contain her if she tries anything,” Indaturan said. “Especially with the chains. She’s strong, certainly, but she’s not Likadrian.”
“And if we can’t, then Sonia-ida can,” Darlrydan said. “Did you know Savira was that weak towards Wind affinity?”
“No.” Ystelyan shook his head. “In fact she was so vulnerable I’d say it wasn’t a natural weakness.”
“I was thinking that as well,” Alaryia said. “Especially since she didn’t seem to know about it herself. Hal showed me what happened and it caught her completely off guard.”
“Is that even possible?” Matthias asked. “Creating a vulnerability in someone?”
“I’m not sure,” Alaryia said. “I can theorise as to how it might be done. But the particular combination of affinities you’d need – I don’t know anyone who has it.”
“Unless she did it to herself,” Darlryan said. “In which case, why was she caught off guard?”
“Why would you even do that to yourself, anyway,” Ystelyan said.
“That’s another good question,” Darlryan said. “Why would you… Oh! I bet she was trying to close the Life vulnerability Mind brings with it and left another chink without realising.”
Alaryia nodded thoughtfully. “Yes, that’s possible. If it is that, then she was foolish to try that and not expect it to leave a vulnerability elsewhere. Of course she has enough hubris to assume she could.”
“Kaliss would know,” Indaturan said. “And I’m sure she’ll help us if we ask.”
“If we knew where she was,” Ystelyan said.
“Who’s Kaliss?” Sonia asked. “Her heart friend?”
“Yes,” Indaturan said. “And I know where she is. She spends most of her time in the dreaming forest and is the primary reason Savira isn’t welcome there. It takes a remarkable person to turn a mind affinity zone against a mind affinity primary while stuck in resting form.”
“Well, remarrkable is certanly a fair descripttion of Lady Kaliss,” Alaryia said. “Do you think she’ll talk to us?”
“Probably,” he said. “She’s spoken to me occasionally and doesn’t have any particular problem with dragons; she just couldn’t stomach Savira’s experiments anymore. I’ll send her an imp, she does have an interest in Savira’s fate after all.”
“A big one,” Sonia said. “I’d like to meet her.”
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I hope the heart friend will be all right…
Typos / grammatical errors
Well, remarrkable is certanly a fair descripttion of Lady Kaliss,” Alaryia said. “Do you think she’ll talk to us?
Well, *remarkable* is certanly a fair *description* of Lady Kaliss,” Alaryia said. “Do you think she’ll talk to us?