Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Fifty Three Part Eight
June 19th, 2015 | Published in Dragon Wars | 1 Comment
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“Do you think you can extract it?” Matthias asked. “I mean, I presume there was a reason no one removed the one in that key of Hannah’s.”
“The imp?” Takilyan asked. “Well whoever made this wasn’t as skilled as Likadrian, so we should be able to remove it and render the rapier inert. It’s going to be doing it without destroying the imp before we can identify its creator that’s the problem.” He stroked his fingers over the rapier. “It would be difficult at the best of times and I’m fairly sure that this is booby trapped to prevent that.”
Alaryia frowned at the rapier for a moment before nodding. “Yes, I definitely sense traps. This is going to take a while since we’ll have to peel it away layer by layer.”
“But first we need to come up with some wards for Lydia-ida to make sure that the culprit can’t lock any more attacks on to her,” Indaturan said. “Because I have no doubt they’ll try again.
“Distraction wards,” Darlryan said. “Keyed to throw malice off course and to alarm if anyone breaks through.”
“Yes that would work,” Alaryia said. “And maybe some extra concealment wards as well.” She looked over at Sonia. “I believe wards are a knack of yours.”
“I can do the concealment wards,” Sonia said. “But distraction wards are not something I ever learned. It’s a lost skill.”
“I’ll teach you,” Darlryan said. “They aren’t too difficult aand it will be a useful skill for you in more than protecting your daughter.”
Sonia eyed him thoughtfully. “And what would you want in return?”
Darlryan smirked. “Ah, such lack of trust still. You’re a wise woman, Sonia-ida.” He sobered after a moment. “But actually, in this case nothing. I’ll teach you for the sheer joy of pissing Mitakrian off by helping in your fight against him; he seriously needs pissing off. I don’t think I need to push you into fighting Xantaria, she’s doing an admirable job of doing that herself. Plus I like your kids. They’re good kids. I’d like to see them safe.”
Sonia looked at him for a moment before looking at Ebona who was standing by Daniel.
“Yes, it was true,” Ebona said. “Even the bit about wanting see Daniel and the others safe.”
“Ah!” Sonia said. “Then yes please. I hope I didn’t insult you by checking.”
“Not at all,” Darlryan replied. “As I said, you are wise.” He turned to Ystelyan. “May I borrow one of your teaching rooms?”
“For this? Of course.” Ystelyan clapped his hands to summon a goblin, who led Sonia and Darlryan away. “I don’t think anything can get in to attack Lydia-ida here so the rest of us can get on with peeling the layers off this thing to get to the imp.”
“Us too?” Daniel asked.
“Yes, all of you can help,” Ystelyan replied. “Except Lydia, who looks like she needs more rest.” He pointed to one of the many couches around the room. “I’d offer you a chamber but even though I’m sure of my wards, I think you shouldn’t be alone until the extra wards on you are up.”
“That seems wise,” Lydia said as she lay down. “The couch is fine.”
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Great one 😀
PS: typo suspected:
“They aren’t too difficult *aand* it will be a useful skill for you in more than protecting your daughter.” => *and* => “They aren’t too difficult *and* it will be a useful skill for you in more than protecting your daughter.”