About the Author

Photo of Becka
Becka is a 40 year old British woman who works full time in an office job. Writing is her primary hobby and has been since she was a teenager. Even though her life has been eventful to the point of being soapy at times, she writes speculative fiction rather than kitchen sink dramas, because that’s what she enjoys reading.
Her other hobbies are reading, listening to music, attempting to draw, and growing her own vegetables.
She also maintains Becky’s Writing Blog – where she posts reviews of other web fiction among other things.
Hello Becky,
I enjoyed looking over your site, and am definitely going to try to read some of your fiction when I get the time. But I was e-mailing you to ask if you would be interested in becoming affiliates.
My site is a dark fantasy webserial. And swapping links I think will help us both.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Take care,
Jacquelyn Waters