Caredale Tales 1: The Sundered Light Chapter Five Part Five
May 30th, 2016 | Published in Dragon Wars | 3 Comments
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A/N: As promised I have started posting Shattered on Gumroad. It’s PWYW (and £0 is acceptable so there’s no risk) so subscribe today and check it out. Then hop on to the discussion thread an tell me what you think. If you like my stuff you”ll love Shattered.
“You think they want a war?” Ophelia said. “Why?”
“Well if they don’t want a war, they are going about avoiding one in completely the wrong way. Attacking people, making them lose control when they emerge. Xantaria is a nasty bitch but she’s not stupid. She has to know that what she’s doing will provoke a war.”
“Who’s Xantaria?” Ophelia asked.
“She’s the current head of the idri council and almost certainly the person behind everything that’s happened recently – and if she isn’t, then she’s certainly moved incredibly quickly to take advantage of it.”
“But no one can quite work out what she wants.” A tall man with glowing wings of blue light was standing in the door. “You wanted me to join you, mother?”
“I did,” she said. “Come in, Til.” She turned back to Ophelia and Sera. “This is my son Tilaran. He’s Silver’s father and one of my best advisors.
“I”m pleased to meet you, sir.” Ophelia eyed him curiously. Somehow he looked familiar but she couldn’t place him. It was more like that she’d seen a relative of his somewhere than having encountered Tilaran himself. Still, it was an odd feeling and she found herself staring at him.
“Was there something?” he asked. “You’re staring at me.”
“Sorry!” Ophelia flushed and looked away. “It’s just you look familiar. Have we met?”
“I don’t believe that we have, though it’s not impossible,” he said. “But even if we haven’t, you may well have seen my human form somewhere.”
“Yes, that would explain it, I think,” Ophelia said. “But more importantly, do we have any idea who it was who attacked me earlier?”
“Yes,” Silver’s grandmother said. “I suspect that it was Alsia-ida, though I’m not sure why. She is ice primary and is certainly rumoured to be active in this area and the not killing you fits with what I know of her. Alsia is one of the good ones.”
“There are no good ones!” The new voice came from the doorway, where Silver was standing holding a tray with a jug of orange juice and six glasses on it. But she wasn’t the speaker; that was the raven haired and yellow winged woman standing behind her.
“Really, Marateka-keda?” Silver’s grandmother sounded equally amused and irritated. “There’s no good what?”
“Idri!” Marateka snapped. “They are all monsters. That much power adddles the bra…” She trailed off and paled. “I didn’t mean you, Halia-ida.”
“Yes, you did,” she said flatly. “It’s not like how you feel is secret. I let it slide because I know that there is no convincing you that you’re wrong, and I know what happened to you to make you feel that way.” She turned to Ophelia. “Please excuse my daughter-in-law. She has issues. More importantly, as I said, I think I know who attacked you. But I’d like to confirm it. I’ve already heard Silver’s version of what happened but I’d like to hear yours as well.”
A/N: As promised I have started posting Shattered on Gumroad. It’s PWYW (and £0 is acceptable so there’s no risk) so subscribe today and check it out. Then hop on to the discussion thread an tell me what you think. If you like my stuff you”ll love Shattered.
Hi Becka,
I wonder if you will still see this since it’s quite a while since you wrote here. But I’d like to say that I have read Dragon wars saga and Caredale (repeatedly ^^) and quite enjoyed it. You made an amazing story here. I do hope it will continue someday ^^
I do want to report that the chapter index doesn’t display anything past this part. Since I recently found out there is quite a bit more story written, I thought I’d mention in case you didn’t know.
I’m still around and I will start posting again soon… but thanks for the comment and the spot
That is great to hear. I’ll be looking forward to that ^^