Caredale Tales 1: The Sundered Light Chapter Five Part Seven

June 6th, 2016  |  Published in Dragon Wars  |  1 Comment

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A/N: As promised I have started posting Shattered on Gumroad. It’s PWYW (and £0 is acceptable so there’s no risk) so subscribe today. If you want to sample it first then you can read the first chapter on my facebook page. If you like my stuff you’ll love Shattered.

“I can understand that,” Ophelia said. “From what Silver tells me, they are as much victims as perpetrators in this situation. That’s why I told her we had to look for a cure. But we still can’t let them run around hurting people or stealing their bodies. Would this Alsia really object to that?”

“To keeping people safe?” Tilaran said. “From what I know of her, no she wouldn’t. At least not in principal.”

“But she would in practice?” Ophelia frowned. “Why?”

“She apparently feels that the prison is not an acceptable place to put them in any circumstances.”

“And given what we’ve learned recently, I don’t blame her,” Halia said quietly. “It’s disturbing to say the least.”

“What have we learned?” Ophelia asked.

Tilaran scowled. “According to our allies – who have the information from a source who would know – the prison was actually designed to torture the Lost Ones for no apparent reason.”

“I see,” Ophelia said flatly. “In that case, we need to find a different way to restrain them. I’m definitely not comfortable with torture.”

“I agree,” Halia said. “We’ve been looking into how to make a properly warded space for them since we found out as they can slip past normal wards. Our allies apparently already have something, though. I’ll get Paerian-alran to speak to them.”

“I could do it,” Tilaran said but his mother shook her head.

“No, Til,” she said. “They don’t know you’re not human. You’d have to explain too much and I’d like to keep that secret for now. They know about Paerian and he doesn’t have to sneak around to speak to them.”

“That’s a fair point,” he conceded, “And Paerian is great but I hate to see so much piled on his shoulders.”

“There’s a lot on yours as well, Til,” she replied before turning back to Ophelia. “I’m sure our allies will be able to help with the restraint problem and we’ll have something workable in a few days.”

“That’s a relief.” Ophelia was surprised by the depth of comfort that assurance brought her and also by the equally relieved blast that she got from the Key.

“Now that’s sorted, we need to discuss the other issue,” Marateka said from where she was still standing near the wall. “It is rather more important.”

“Other issue?” Ophelia looked over at her and found herself having to swallow an unexpected wave of anger.

“You need training,” Marateka said coldly. “You can’t fight if you’re as weak as I suspect or if you’re so concerned about your enemies.”

Ophelia really didn’t like Silver’s mother, she decided as she took a deep breath before replying. “I do need practice, but if I’m to keep this secret I also need to attend school and do my homework. So when can I do it?”

“At night while your family sleep,” Marateka said.

“I do need sleep myself,” Ophelia said.

“No you don’t,” Marateka said. “I can brew a potion that can allow you to go without sleep. In fact I’ll go brew one now… there’s no time like the present to get on with it.”

A/N: As promised I have started posting Shattered on Gumroad. It’s PWYW (and £0 is acceptable so there’s no risk) so subscribe today. If you want to sample it first then you can read the first chapter on my facebook page. If you like my stuff you’ll love Shattered.

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One Response to “Caredale Tales 1: The Sundered Light Chapter Five Part Seven”

  1. torvawk says:


    equally relieved blast that she got from the Key

    Oh oh, I am starting to want to get to know the key now.

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