Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Fifty Eight Part Two
December 7th, 2015 | Published in Dragon Wars | 4 Comments
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A/N: Hey peeps! If you would like to pre-order a signed paperback of Haventon Book One (which I am just sorting for publication. I have the file I just need to upload it to the printer and check the proof. Sorry for the delay) let me know in the comments. If there’s enough interest I’ll set something up.
He who was Indarian’s energy had a warm pleasant flavour to it and it was also very rich. Lydia had barely taken any and already she felt completely satiated. She purred like a cat and curled up on the cushions in her dragon form.
Thank you for that, she said mentally, recalling that her physical voice seemed to hurt people in this form. I feel better now.
Are you sure that’s all you need? He sounded surprised.
Yeah, your energy is very strong.
Ah, I suppose it would be.
I think I’ll nap now, Lydia said.
Of course, he said. I’ll wake you if we need you.
Okay, Lydia said. I hope you don’t have to.
“I think we all hope that,” Naria said. “But while I may not be clairvoyant, I still have a bad feeling about this.”
Me too, Lydia admitted. But I trust Joanne’s visions. We should be okay. It’s everyone else I’m worried about.
So far nothing is happening there, He who was Indirian said. But Darlryan hasn’t started yet. It’ll likely heat up once he does. Now do try and nap. I can feel how tired you are.
Yeah, less than yesterday, but I am. Lydia closed her eyes and somehow in spite of her anxiety fell asleep almost immediately.
How is untangling your bond going?
Andrew had been flipping through the book he had brought with him to distract himself from the waiting game but he looked up when He who was Indirian spoke.
“You know about that?” he asked.
Your father told me, but he hasn’t given me an update since.
“It’s going well,” Andrew said. “It’s still trying to rebound every time we sleep but it’s nearly untangled. Mum says we’ll be fine as long as we’re careful with the amount of psychic contact we have in the next couple of weeks while it settles.”
“It feels better too,” Naria said. “It’s like being able to breathe again and only then realising you were suffocating.”
“Yeah,” Andrew agreed. “I hadn’t noticed how weird it felt until we untangled it. I guess you can get used to anything. It’s much more comfortable being linked but with a little space. I think Kimi is more comfortable as well.” He looked down at his heart friend who had her head on his lap.
“It certainly is,” Kimi agreed. “I hadn’t really noticed either but it was affecting our bond in subtle ways. I think I would have been dragged in as well if they hadn’t dealt with it.”
That’s good, then.
“Has the battle started yet?” Andrew asked.
Yes. It’s going well so far. Perhaps too well. It’s a fierce fight – most of the Kithreiri Idri council are there but our side are holding them off so far and that’s all that we need to do. The only thing is Xantaria hasn’t shown her face yet and Matt says Sonia is anxious because she feels she should. What could she think was more important?
As if in answer, the entire sanctuary seemed to shake as some sort of blast struck the outside.
A/N: Hey peeps! If you would like to pre-order a signed paperback of Haventon Book One (which I am just sorting for publication. I have the file I just need to upload it to the printer and check the proof. Sorry for the delay) let me know in the comments. If there’s enough interest I’ll set something up.
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As he was asking that questions I kindof knew what the answer would be as soon as he was asking the question. There were numerous hints. Hopefully I can relax for a bit. Looks like you are going into actions scenes. 🙂 yes ok I am weird. Curn the plot, and you have me on edge for what is next. Start an actions scene and I am cool.
it is one of those questions…. the moment you or someone else mutters them you want to cry out NOOOOO!!!!
right up there with “what should go wrong?” and “hold my beer and watch this!” … :p
Gah, cliffhanger… 🙁
Well, we know how it will end – but still looking forward to the action to come…
ahh action scenes affect you like plot turns affect me. Though, Becka has been known to mix action and plot advancement at the same time. That is such sweet torture.
Your final comment is why I can relax in action scenes. Though, Lydia’s action scenes in the void did not turn out as expected. She came out as a dragon. As a new and different type of dragon. Now those action scenes had me on edge.