Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Forty Five Part Four

July 18th, 2014  |  Published in Dragon Wars  |  5 Comments

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Andrew was awestruck every time he saw Naria’s dragon form. She was nearly thirty foot long, beautifully sleek and serpentine, and her sapphire blue scales glittered in the sunlight. If it was possible he thought she was even more beautiful than in her human form.

Stop admiring me, Drew, Naria snaked her head around and touched the very tip of her nose to his like an extremely large cat. Given that her head was bigger than his entire body, it was slightly disconcerting. Now hurry up and get on. We don’t have time to waste. There was a pause. It’s nice that you think I’m beautiful, though.

“Oh, right.” He scrambled up her outstretched leg and positioned himself between two of her neck ridges. His father climbed up as well and seated himself behind him.

I hope you’re hiding us, Matthias-idan, Naria said. Because I’m rather noticeable in this form.

“I am,” he said. “That’s why I came along rather than sending the two of you alone.”

I thought that was it, she said. Hold on both of you, I’m taking off. She pushed off from the ground abruptly. Where to first?

The large hill over there. Matthias switched to mental speech as well. It was hard to speak aloud with the wind blasting into your face. That’s where Emily says the people running the operation against us on the ground are going to be. I want to see if they are setting up yet.

Okay. Naria banked slightly as she turned in the air to fly at the hill. I don’t sense anyone there but it feels odd.

Odd? Andrew pushed out his mind towards the hill and felt something brush over his skin pleasantly. You’re right, what is that?

Oh, it’s always felt like that as long as anyone can remember, Matthias said. It’s a pleasant place. Very energising.

It’s also a place where the barrier between here and somewhere else is naturally very thin. That energy is leaking through from the other side. She tutted to herself. But where? It’s not Talonyka or Kithra – I’d recognise either of those and I’m not sure a direct link to Kithra is even possible. It’s too far away. It’s not the void either because that would be unpleasant. She circled around the hill and Andrew got the sense she was tasting the air. But it does taste familiar somehow.

Familiar? Matthias asked.

It’s like something from my childhood, Naria said. But I can’t quite figure out what. I’ll send imps to Ystelyan-mirian and Halindan once the immediate crisis is past to see if they can place it, but it doesn’t feel threatening and we have more important things to worry about right now. There’s no one on the hill yet but there is a truck approaching from the east. Do you want to have a look?

Yes please, Matthias said. Though I imagine it is the military. It’s unlikely anyone else would be out here in the current circumstances.

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5 Responses to “Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Forty Five Part Four”

  1. mjkj says:

    I wonder what this place is where the hill links to…

    PS: formatting:
    It’s also a place where the barrier between here and somewhere else is naturally very thin. That energy is leaking through from the other side. She tutted to herself. But where? It’s not Talonyka or Kithra – I’d recognise either of those and I’m not sure a direct link to Kithra is even possible. It’s too far away. It’s not the void either because that would be unpleasant. *She circled around the hill and Andrew got the sense she was tasting the air.* But it does taste familiar somehow.
    => The part *She circled around the hill and Andrew got the sense she was tasting the air.* should not be in italics…
    => It’s also a place where the barrier between here and somewhere else is naturally very thin. That energy is leaking through from the other side. She tutted to herself. But where? It’s not Talonyka or Kithra – I’d recognise either of those and I’m not sure a direct link to Kithra is even possible. It’s too far away. It’s not the void either because that would be unpleasant. She circled around the hill and Andrew got the sense she was tasting the air. But it does taste familiar somehow.

    • Rebecca Sutton says:

      It’s fair to say that it’s a hook for the future. X-D

      And thanks for the spot. 🙂

      • mjkj says:

        Yeah, I figure they will explore it after all this excitement is over…
        …and you are welcome

  2. shade says:

    don’t you dare go for any sort of rushed ending and I don’t care if that makes this series 20 books long(though i doubt you’ll beet wheel of time(least i think that’s the name))

    you aren’t very good with the romance stuff so I suggest you look into that

    you also seem to forget lydia a lot and then do a whole chapter from her point of view or about her which breaks the continuity of the story if you read it in 1 go

    • Rebecca Sutton says:

      No chance of a rushed ending. There’s miles to go yet.

      I know I’m not very good with romance. :/ I struggle with the whole concept of it. Hopefully writing about it will come with practice.

      I really hadn’t noticed that about Lydia. I’ll try and do better.

      Thanks for the comment. 🙂

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