Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Sixty Part Eight

March 25th, 2016  |  Published in Dragon Wars  |  6 Comments

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A/N: Sorry I didn’t post Whisper on Wednesday. I’ll be posting it tomorrow. Also this is the last installment of Dragon Wars for a while. Check out the spinoff  “Caredale Tales – The Sundered Light part 1“.

“Interesting,” Sarah said after she had finished examining Draylian. “I’m not quite sure what to make of this.”

“Well, did it work or not?” Lydia asked.

Sarah frowned. “Yes and no?”

“Surely it must be one or the other, Sal,” Matthias said.

“You’d think so, wouldn’t you,” Sarah said. “But it’s sort of half worked. There’s still damage, but it’s nowhere near as bad as in the other dragons I’ve examined.” She tutted thoughtfully. “I can’t say for sure until he wakes up and we can test it but I think he’ll still be hungry all the time but find it much less intense when he’s full. That classifies as a partial result, I guess.”

“If you’re right, then it will,” Lydia said. “I hope you’re right since even that would help since he’d be better able to gauge when to feed.”

Sarah nodded. “But he’ll probably still be prone to frenzy if he’s injured, poor kid.” She looked solemn for a long moment, but then her face brightened. “But even if I’m wrong about what it means, something has clearly happened and is another fascinating data point for my research. I’m sure I’ll be able to come up with some sort of ameliatory treatment for their hunger soon, even if I can’t find a complete cure.” She looked back at Draylian, who was still curled up on the sofa in his dragon form. “We should find the kid a bed, Matt. He’s going to sleep for several hours at least. That much I am sure of – and his essence seems a built touchy so I think he’ll need to rest for several days while it settles.”

“Of course. He’s supposed to be sleeping on a camp bed in Dan’s room until the bubble is ready.” Matthias scooped Draylian up from the sofa and headed up the stairs.

Daniel was in his room, reading on his bed, when they came in. Lydia busied herself unfolding the camp bed while Matthias explained what had happened. As soon as he finished, Daniel rose to his feet. “Let him sleep in my bed tonight, then,” he said. “I can take the camp bed. I think he needs a rest more.”

“Thank you,” Matthias said. Draylian didn’t even stir as Matthias tucked him into the bed. “Let’s leave him to sleep and go back downstairs. I’ll make more hot chocolate.”

A few minutes later, they were back in the lounge drinking the hot chocolate.

“I think we may have a breathing space, now the tear is closed,” Sarah said after a moment. “At least I’m not sensing anything imminent. We should take advantage of it because I think in the longer term things are going to get worse before they get better.”

Lydia couldn’t argue with that since she had the same sense. Her father looked pensive and nodded.

“No, Xantaria isn’t likely to give up is she? But she’s licking her wounds from the setback she’s suffered and with Mitakrian is out of the picture, we’re in a strong position for now. Long may it continue.”

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6 Responses to “Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Sixty Part Eight”

  1. mjkj says:

    Nice, it (partially) worked 🙂

    PS: suspected typos and stuff:
    That much I am sure of – and his essence seems a *built* touchy so I think he’ll need to rest for several days while it settles.” => *bit*?

    “I think we may have a breathing space, now * the tear is closed,” => missing word *that* suspected (or matter of speech?)

  2. Chunkybutt647 says:

    Cant wait until it returns……

    • Rebecca Sutton says:

      Thanks. I’m working on rewrite of arc 4 but in the meantime you might want to try the spinoff story (Caredale).

  3. Chunkybutt647 says:

    I’m starting to reread it over again lol

  4. Chunkybutt647 says:

    Sarah said. But it?s sort of half worked. => Sarah said. But *it* sort of half worked. it’s => it

    he wakes up and we can test it but I think he?ll still be => he wakes up and we can test it , but I think he’ll still be ( comma needed after ” test it, but )

    something has clearly happened and is another fascinating data point for my research. => something has clearly happened and *it’s* another fascinating data point for my research

    He’s going to sleep for several hours at least. That much I am sure of and his essence seems a built touchy so I think he?ll need to rest for several days while it settles.

    He’s going to sleep for several hours at least, that much I am sure of! Also, his essence seems a *bit* touchy, so i think he’ll need to rest for several days while it settles. (needs comma after at least, punctuation/end sentence after of, I added *Also* to begin sentence, *bit* instead of built, comma after touchy. sentences seem to flow better

    I think he needs a rest more. => I think he needs *the* rest more than I do. ( a=>the, and added “than I do”.

    A few minutes later, they were back in the lounge drinking the hot chocolate. =>

    A few minutes later, they were back in the lounge drinking hot chocolate. ( doesn’t need *the* before hot chocolate

    I think we may have a breathing space, => I think we may have *some* breathing space,

    I check back every so often to see if anything new has been posted and i noticed these “errors” im going back to the beginning finally lol

    Thank you for such interesting stories!!!!!!

  5. Brownie says:


    I know its been a while but damn its such an awesome world,and i just came back to re read it and blasted through the whole of dragon wars in about 2 weeks and need more!!!!

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