Caredale Tales 1: The Sundered Light Chapter Eleven Part Six

January 30th, 2017  |  Published in Dragon Wars  |  2 Comments

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A/N: I have recently updated my Patreon. I’m going to be doing more with it in 2017 including a bunch of free stuff so it’s worth a look even if you don’t want to back it.

“Talking? No,” Darlryan replied blandly. “Screaming at each other, shouting, occasionally coming to blows but not talking. Something happened a while back and Alsia holds a grudge forever. Of course I actually deserve it and while I would never admit it to her Kaylaria would bang our heads together if she saw us.” He closed his eyes. “Look I don’t know why the Key had called you though I can hazard a few guesses. But I do know what you can do for me. Teach Kate swordplay. You’ve always been better at it than I am.”

Paritan gave Kate a speculative look before nodding. “I think I can do that.”

“Good, can you cry off school for a couple of days, Kate? This is more important than GCSEs.”

“Well it would look a bit odd if I recovered from my migraines all at once,” she said. “So yes, and don’t worry about the exams. A couple more days off won’t wreck my chances.”

“Right then. Be off Monday and Tuesday so Par can train you.”

“In three days?” she asked incredulously.

“In three days,” he confirmed. “Trust me, he can do it.”


Ophelia groaned as she spotted Kate loitering by the school gates one evening about a week after the fight with Kithreian child. She hadn’t seen the other girl around for a few of days, which wasn’t unusual, but now she was back and obviously waiting to torment her again. Sure enough one of the girl’s who was with her nudged Kate and pointed Ophelia out to her. So it was quite a shock when Kate glanced over her at and then looked away with a bored expression. The crony who had pointed Ophelia out frowned at Kate and said something to her. Whatever Kate replied made the crony’s eyebrows arch.

“Well, that’s different.” Kira said as she came up behind Ophelia and Sera along with Philip who she had been chatting to… or possibly chatting up if Ophelia wasn’t mistaken. “Maybe she’s learned a lesson from the detention.”

“I doubt it,” Ophelia rubbed the back of her neck and glanced up at the empty roof of the school. She couldn’t shake the feeling of someone watching her. “I can believe she’s decided not too attack me at school but she isn’t even glaring–” She broke off at the sound of a muffled cry from behind one of the portacabins. Ophelia looked around to see if any of the teachers had heard it but apparently no one had, They were busy breaking up a fight on the other side of the school yard.

“Decoy,” Ophelia decided. “Looks like somebody doesn’t want to be disturbed.” She looked over at Philip. “You’re a prefect ? can’t you do something?”

“I can.” He scowled and gave her an odd look. “If I get murdered it’s your fault, Oph…” He trailed off and looked towards Kate. “What is she doing?”

“Err… what?” Ophelia looked over and saw that the girl was heading for the source of the noise.

A/N: I have recently updated my Patreon. I’m going to be doing more with it in 2017 including a bunch of free stuff so it’s worth a look even if you don’t want to back it.

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2 Responses to “Caredale Tales 1: The Sundered Light Chapter Eleven Part Six”

  1. torvawk says:

    Becka!!! don’t stop!! it it it….. arrrghh

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