Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Fifty Seven Part Five

November 13th, 2015  |  Published in Dragon Wars  |  1 Comment

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A/N: The Haventon Born ebook has been released. See here for where you can get it!

“Okay, I think we need to back up few steps,” Sonia said. “Because I don’t see how you get from someone needing to make Marian forget how to block the Morgans to Celeste Lave–”

“Damn! Are you telling me that Celeste is James’ daughter?” Matthias interrupted. “We always wondered based on the timing and Celeste’s primary but Kezia always denied it.” He glanced sideways at Sonia. “One night stand in their last year at high school.”

“Not my business as long as Terri doesn’t care.” Sonia raised an eyebrow when Matthias and Julie both snorted. “What?”

“Terri was there as well,” Julie said. “Kezia said it was all her idea.”

“Oh!” Sonia flushed. “Yeah, I can imagine Terri doing that. And yes I see why you’re thinking she’s in the frame. I assume she inherited that distraction ability, then?”

“In spades,” Adrian said.

“Okay, so she’s definitely suspect,” Sonia said. “But I don’t see how that proves she’s working for Mitakrian ?”

“Because, like I said, whoever did this knew about the state I was in,” Marian said “And thar’s a fairly select group of people and I know it’s not me or the Core who told them.”

“I still can’t see Mitakrian leaving a heart friend alive long enough to recruit their partner,” Indaturan said.

“No, but Xantaria would,” Darlryan said. “And she’s allied with Mitakrian . She might have persuaded him.”

“It still doesn’t work,” Adrian said. “Celeste is only a year older than I am and the memory wipe would have had to happen before Matthias hid Sonia.” He narrowed his eyes. “I refuse to believe a five year old was already working for Mitakrian. So not Celeste, or not just Celeste. Kezia, though I’d swear Kezia isn’t resonant.”

“She may have been coerced to protect Celeste,” Julie said. “Celeste is certainly our strongest suspect. We should challenge her and Kezia tonight after we’re done with everything here.”

“I’d handle it carefully if I were you,” Darlryan said. “If they are being coerced, then Mitakrian almost certainly has her heart friend. He has no care for his followers and would kill them in a heartbeat to silence them.” He tapped his tongue against his teeth. “Sonia-ida, I think we should talk to Rantalryan-alran. He was only a dragon for a week or so but he may have seen something that will help.”

“That’s a good idea,” Sonia said. “We’ll go there next.”

“I’ll send Alaryia an imp and let her know we’re coming and why,” Indaturan said.
“You may be right,” Rantalryan told them when they arrived. “I don’t recall ever seeing a human there but I do recall catching a glimpse of a svart alfar girl who didn’t seem to have a heart stone in one of the cells. She’d clearly been tortured. I assumed she was recently captured but maybe not.”

“Hmm… once we’re through with tomorrow, a rescue run may be in order,” Alaryia said. “But if he does have a heart friend prisoner, he’ll be keeping her very deep. Deeper than I’ve ever penetrated, Do you think you could guide us, Rantalryan-alran?”

“Yes,” he said. “But you’ll need to lure him away and distract him; if he does have a heart friend hostage, he’ll kill them if he thinks they may be about to be rescued.”

“I’m sure we can managed that,” Sonia said. “He’s very keen on trying to kill me after all.”

“Sonia!” Matthias said. “You are not using yourself as bait.”

“It’ll be fine, Matt,” she said. “Just make sure I have plenty of back up and he won’t be able to touch me.”

“I hate to say it but Sonia-ida is right,” Indaturan said. “She is the best bait. On the up side, she’s also right that we should be able to protect her. And honestly the chance to rescue Mitakrian’s prisoners and possibly cripple his court for a few years is not something we can dismiss without at least considering it. There’s a lot more than Sonia-ida’s life at risk.”

“We need to get through tomorrow first,” Darlryan said. “Then we can sort out what to do about this.”

“Can I borrow Daniel and Ebona,” Adrian asked. “I’d like to see if we can confirm it is Celeste and her mother without alerting them.”

“Of course we’ll help,” Daniel said. “Once we’ve finished here.”

A/N: The Haventon Born ebook has been released. See here for where you can get it!

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One Response to “Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Fifty Seven Part Five”

  1. chunkybutt647 says:

    Typos /Grammatical Errors

    Okay, I think we need to back up few steps,” Sonia said.

    Okay, I think we need to back up *a* few steps,” Sonia said.

    And thar’s a fairly select group of people and I know it’s not me or the Core who told them.”

    And *that’s* a fairly select group of people and I know it’s not me or the Core who told them.”

    “I’m sure we can managed that,” Sonia

    “I’m sure we can *manage* that,” Sonia

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