Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Forty Two Part Eight

March 17th, 2014  |  Published in Dragon Wars  |  1 Comment

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Xeria twisted around and looked and Indaturan curiously. “A favour, Indaturan-mirian?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said. “A favour. Sarah-alra has been studying the area of of our brains that causes dragons to be ever-hungry and prone to frenzy. She thinks she’s found something, but she needs to compare it to the same area in an unfallen Kithreia’s brain to see if she’s correct.”

“Oh,” Xeria said. “Of course I’ll help. If nothing else it might help Tal and Viri.”

“Excellent,” he said.

“Do you wish to do it now, Sarah-alra?” she asked.

Sarah pursed her lips thoughtfully before shaking her head. “No, I think not. It’s hard work so I’ll come back tomorrow when I’ve slept if Ystelyan-mirian doesn’t mind.”

“You’ll be welcome,” Ystelyan said.

“Do you think you could bring that young merman Darya with you?” Xeria asked. “Tal seems quite attached to him so I’d like to meet him properly.”

“I’ll ask him,” Sarah said.

“I’m sure he’ll say yes,” Lyrrekka said. “He’d be delighted to have an excuse to visit with Talira. He talks about her all the time.”

“That is good to hear, Lyrrekka-ida,” Xeria said. “It seems he cares as much about her as she does him.”

“Darya befriended Talira when she was still half-made,” Ystelyan said. “And when he and Kyle were very new to my court. Right when they both needed a friend. They’ve been close ever since.”

“So she told me,” Xeria said. “But I got the feeling that it’s more than that.”

“Yes, it could well be,” Ystelyan said. “They’re certainly compatible and they do spend a lot of time together.”

“I’ll ask him to come with me,” Sarah said. “Thank you for helping me.”

“You’re welcome,” Xeria said. “I hope you find something.” “So, what’s next to discuss?” Indaturan said. “I’m aware that you can’t really make agreements on your parents behalf but I don’t want you to have wasted your journey.””Mum and Dad wanted us to get acquainted,” Lydia said. “They seemed to think we’d get on. That’s why they sent us.”

“Acquainted?” He tilted his head at that. “That’s interesting, Was this your mother’s idea?”

“I think so, yes,” Lydia said. “Why?”

“In that case we should do as they suggest. Your mother is a strong precog so I trust her instincts.”

“I do, as well,” Lydia agreed. “If she wants us to get to know each other, she thinks that we’ll need to work together. But there’s nothing more awkward than being shoved into a room with someone and being told to get to know each other. It’s a recipe for just sitting in awkward silence staring at each other.”

Indaturan gave a warm laugh. “I couldn’t agree more, Lydia-ida.”

“But that won’t help,” Lydia said. “So where to start? Why don’t you tell us why you’re so set on returning to Earth even after all this time?”

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One Response to “Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Forty Two Part Eight”

  1. mjkj says:

    Interesting I wonder how that “getting aquainted” will work out…

    PS: suspected typos and stuff:
    Xeria twisted around and looked *and* Indaturan curiously. => that second *and* should read *at* => Xeria twisted around and looked *at* Indaturan curiously.

    “It seems he cares as much about her as she does ** him.” => she cares him? missing word *about* suspected – though that could also be a case of matter of speech dropping the about? => “It seems he cares as much about her as she does *about* him.”

    …I don’t want you to have wasted your journey.””Mum and Dad wanted… => missing blank between these sentences => …your journey.” “Mum and Dad wanted…

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