Lawgiver’s Blade: Chapter Two Part Four
May 1st, 2019 | Published in Lawgiver's Blade | 5 Comments
“That thinking is too common recently, and most of the people I meet like that are already wrong,” Imalia scowled. “I want to know where it’s coming from.”
“She reminds me of the farmer who told us we had to convert to be healed.” Madric said. “He had a similar attitude.”
“I heard about that,” Imalia said. “And he’s not the only one. The mayor of Sidrin actually tried to stop me healing a Meli visitor unless he converted. She was quite aggressive about it too. I had to pull rank to get past her. I hate taking advantage of the fact commoners believe it’s wrong to argue with a mage. Some of the other healers have been hearing similar things. Last time I spoke with Kadryia she was worried that we have a new organised heresy on our hands but she just went quiet when I asked her why she thought that.”
“Because people are thinking strange things, I imagine,” Tamasa said. “It doesn’t seem like something that would come up on its own, so someone must be spreading the idea. At least Mayin doesn’t think anything quite that bad. All her foolishness is hangovers from the Perfectionists’ excessive dominance in Benar during the Mage War.” She paused and looked over at Rinia who was stirring. “How are you feeling, dear?”
“Better, thank you.” She pushed herself into a sitting position and inclined her head to Imalia. “And especially thanks to you, Honoured Mage.”
“You’re welcome,” Imalia said. “Are you hungry yet? You should be.”
Rinia nodded. “A little.” Her stomach made a loud gurgling sound and she giggled. “Okay, I’m starving! Something smells really good.”
“Just pottage, bread and lake fish,” Tamasa said. “But there’s plenty of it. It’s the fish you can smell. They’re baking in the embers.”
“I’m sure it will be delicious,” Imalia said.
“I hope so,” Tamasa said. “It’s nearly ready so we’ll soon find out.”
“There’s plenty of beer as well,” Denri said. “Tam is a fine brewer.” He looked up as Mayin and his brother finally returned. “Ah, here you are.”
Dinner went quietly since both Imalia and Rinia seemed very focused on eating and Mayin was still not talking which made the other adults quiet as well. Alidra found it all very uncomfortable and once they finished she ran to her small bundle of things and fetched her small frame drum.
“Mummy! We should celebrate Rinia’s recovery!” she said.
“That’s a good idea,” Tamasa said. “A couple of songs at least. Though not too many. Imalia needs a good night’s sleep.” She fetched her own ocarina and Denri’s lap harp then looked challengingly at Mayin. “We can’t play without a pillar.”
Mayin frowned for a moment before smiling. “If Mage Imalia wants us to play.”
“Music is always welcome,” Imalia said. “It will help me relax.”
“Okay.” She fetched her own instrument, a sort of lyre she played with a bow, and began playing one of the common song pillars. Alidra picked up the beat on her drum while Tamasa and Denri wound the melodic vines around it. It was a well known song they wove and soon everyone joined in with the singing. Even Aunt Mayin looked happy, but then she did like music. She’d been the one who noticed Alidra’s excellent sense of rhythm and bought her the little drum.
“That was fun,” Imalia said when they finished the first song. “You all play well.”
“Well, we have lots of time to practice in the winter,” Mayin said.
“Do mages play music?” Alidra asked. Even Mayin didn’t object to that question, probably because it didn’t involve magic, and indeed leaned forward to hear the answer.
“Of course we do,” Imalia said. “Doesn’t everyone? My flute is in Keralyn or I’d join in. I should remember to carry it with me.”
“I’d love to hear you play,” Tamasa said. “Can you play one of these?” She offered her own ocarina to her.
Imalia gave Tamasa a long look. “I can, but it’s been a while. I learned when I was just a girl. Let’s see if I can remember.” She lifted it to her lips and began to play a hauntingly beautiful melody without waiting for root or pillar. Alidra tried to pick up the beat but it seemed to vary in a way she couldn’t follow. She glanced over at her mother who had leaned back in her chair and looked vastly amused for some reason.
“Well, that’s an interesting musical choice for a mage,” Rinia said when she finished. “You grew up in Fasrat, didn’t you?”
Imalia nodded. “I did, just like most loyalist mages during the Mage War.”
“That was extraordinary,” Mayin’s eyes were wide. “I’ve never heard music like that. You learned it in Fasrat? So it’s Laglini?”
For some reason that made Rinia and her father look at each other and snort but neither said anything.
“It’s fair to say I learned it in Laglin,” Imalia said. “Did you like it?”
“I’m not sure,” Mayin admitted. “It was…” she shook her head and frowned. “It was very strange, but not unpleasant on the ear. Still, I think I prefer normal music. I know where I am with it. I felt like I was getting lost in it.” She hesitated then admitted softly. “It scared me.”
“Fair enough.” Imalia said. “Can you and Alidra play the 6th pillar and 3rd root for me, please?”
“Of course.” Mayin began plucking the requested pattern of notes as Alidra started beating out the requested meter.
“Thank you.” Imalia began playing the melody of a ballad well known throughout Benar about one of the earliest battles of Mage War. When she finished she handed the instrument back to Tamasa.
“Thank you.” Tamasa smiled. “I think maybe one more song then time for bed. You look like you need your rest.”
Repeated words in this sentence
“I’d love to hear to hear you play,” Tamasa said. “Can you play one of these?” She offered her own ocarina to her.
I’ve never commented before, but I enjoy your writing.
Thank you for the lovely comment and the spot. I hope you continue to enjoy my writing.
Dang it Becka!!!!
What is with this story of yours. You are hinting a deeper meanings to all sorts of things and just the barest hints of deep running plots but yet you have revealed nothing so far. I still don’t really know what is going on yet.
As confused as I am, I think I am hooked.
I think what is most interesting about this story so far, is it is anchored in one place. The story seems to be coming to this place. Like some sort of cross roads where stories gather.
Most of your stories take place in multiple places and you follow various characters around. This one is all in one place and you seem to be only following one character, maybe two but I don’t think so. It is interesting how you can tell a whole story from just one place and one perspective.
The story won’t stay in Shael indefinately but it will for a few more chapters at least. But yes I’m trying my hand at a somewhat less in media res story.