Please Consider Voting for Dragon Wars on Top Web Fiction
June 12th, 2010 | Published in News
Hello Readers,
I don’t often address you directly unless it’s to inform you of news pertaining to the site (like the layout tweak earlier this week).
Perhaps I should. If you want more non-story communication please comment and tell me.
Anyway to the point of this non-fiction interlude.
You’ve probably noticed the support section at the top of the sidebar and end of the story (when you click next after the current installment). Today I want to talk to you about just one of the things in the list:
Voting for Dragon Wars at Top Web Fiction
Most of the options for helping me spread the word (the review sites) require registration and I know this is off-putting to some people. Top Web Fiction requires no registration. You just click the link, prove you’re human via a captcha and your vote is registered. Votes expire daily so you can vote every time you visit.
Why should you vote? Well, if you enjoy a book you recommend it to friends who share your tastes don’t you? It’s similar thing. Voting is one way of spreading the word, and it’s free and easy.
And currently I’m trying out an incentive.
If you vote you’ll be redirected to a page where, twice a week, you can ask a question in comments. (Details are on the page in question – but obviously nothing spoilery). If I get a response I’ll start updating with answers a couple of times a week.
Anyway here’s the voting link:
Vote For Dragon Wars at TWF!
What else can you do to help spread the word?
Well, check out the top right corner for a list of suggestions. But if you don’t want to register at the directory sites to leave a review then the most obvious one is to link to the story from your blog or website. Links are the glue of the Internet.
Thanks in advance for your support,