
Tales of the First – Ryan’s Problem Part Three

October 4th, 2019  |  Published in News

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Martin arrived within half-an-hour of Wendy calling him even though she’d been very cryptic over the phone. He sat on the corner of Sienna’s bed and watched Charlotte’s video a couple of times. Then he sat there and frowned, chewing his lip.

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Skipping Lawgiver’s Blade this week

August 14th, 2019  |  Published in News

Hi peeps,

I’m really tired today so I’m going to have to skip this week’s installment of Lawgiver’s Blade as I can’t focus to edit it.


Lawgiver’s Blade: Chapter Four Part Five

August 7th, 2019  |  Published in News

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It wasn’t until almost dusk that Vessin emerged from the Shrine and even then there was no sign of Natlin or her husband. Lilat had already asked Nala’s parents to care for Adin for the night and had intimated that she may be asking them to foster him for quite a while which suggested they would not be back soon but Alidra was certain she hadn’t seen them leave the shrine.

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State of the Becka – Summer Edition

July 27th, 2019  |  Published in News

Hello Peeps!

Where I’m at

As you’ve probably noticed I’ve only been updating once a week. This is mostly a time thing but also an energy thing. I will start trying to update Tales of the First again this Friday (ie 2nd August) as I have a reasonable amount of buffer. If this proves feasible I will aim to start updating Whisper again at the end of August/beginning September. I’m going to try putting everything in the backend as drafts at the weekend and then publishing on the correct day and see if that helps.

Moving forward

Okay the first part of this is going to seem a little negative. Please don’t take it that way. I’m trying to be realistic.

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Skipping Whisper this week

May 13th, 2019  |  Published in News

Sorry peeps, I will be skipping the whisper installment again this week. I don’t have it ready yet and I am too tired to dash it off tonight. The Lawgiver’s Blade and Tales of the First installments will be up on Wednesday and Friday as they are already written.

Sorry, I vanished again

March 10th, 2019  |  Published in News

Hi Peeps!

Sorry I vanished again. I’ve just been sooo busy!

Anyway I know Targetdrone was wondering where I was as I wasn’t posting on Twitter either, and the answer is I’ve left the Hellbird Imperium and now mostly hang out on Mastodon on the tootplanet instance.

I will be starting posting again beginning with a Whisper chapter tomorrow and every Monday from now on. I may start posting one of my other stories on Friday’s. This is to be confirmed later this week.


That’s all for now 🙂

Becka gets featured in a Podcast!

September 26th, 2018  |  Published in News

The Cultural Quarter of an Hour is a Podcast about my local area and this week it features me talking about Haventon Born and my writing process.

Why not have a listen?

Be warned I have a very nasally voice.

And we’re back

September 25th, 2018  |  Published in News

Sorry about the outage. This post will explain what happened and give a schedule for me starting to post again,

So What happened?

Earlier this year I realised that even though I now have a permanent job I could not afford to pay this years hosting fees. I had a bit of a panic trying to find a solution when a friend offered to host it for me on her server. So I downloaded a complete backup from the old host and sent it across.

Unfortunately the move did not go smoothly as hoped and it’s taken until today to finally iron out the last of the problems (something weird with the SSL cert – and hey we have an SSL cert now :-D) so we’re finally up and running again.

So everyone say thanks to Woozle for her help.

So will you be posting again now?

Yup! I will finish posting Lord of the Wolves over the next couple of weeks as it is all written and then start updating Whisper weekly again.

Can we help?

Yes! In October I will be editing LotW so come November I will be looking for beta readers to do some error spotting before I try to figure out how I am affording a cover artist when I am living month to month. So you can either help out by volunteering for the beta read or if you have some moolah and aren’t completely miffed with how scratty things have been for a while you can contribute to my cover fund on my ko-fi.

So that’s all for now. Watch out for a couple more posts in the next few days including me guesting on local podcast and the next LotW post.

LoTW unexpected hiatus update

April 21st, 2018  |  Published in Haventon Chronicles, News

Hi Peeps!

Sorry I haven’t posted for the last couple of weeks. Nothing is wrong except the that I am not happy with Chapter 30 yet and am rewriting it. Tomorrow I am going to post a chapter of Whisper that I almost have ready so I am not leaving you with nothing to read.

Sorry for the delay,


February Update

February 25th, 2018  |  Published in News

Hi Peeps!

Things are still going better for me. I now have a permanent job (subject to six months probationary period) working 30 hours a week. My mental health is still improving (even with the anxiety weasels trying to get back into my brain by insisting things are going *too* well).

With a little stability in my life I’m starting to look forwards again and with Lord of the Wolves nearing it’s conclusion (seriously – I think this first draft will be done by the end of March) I’m starting to think about the book release a few months down the line. (I’ve also started the outlining on Book Three – The Summer Queen).

This means a few things:

  1. Once it’s done I’ll switch over to posting Whisper on Saturdays while I edit Lord of the Wolves and I’ll also be looking for beta readers again.
  2. Prior to the Lord of the Wolves Book Launch I want to get Haventon Born into the hands of as many readers as possible and, to be honest, it’s been selling abysmally because I haven’t had the energy for marketing.
  3. So I’m planning a book relaunch for Haventon Born on May 8th (my birthday). This is just like a book launch only for an already extent book. And for that I need your help.

How can you help?

Firstly I need reviews on Amazon. Reviews help visibility and also many advertising outlets will only allow adverts by books with a certain number of Am reviews. If you read and enjoyed Haventon Born reviewing it on your local Amazon store would be a great help. (No bounties for this, I’m afraid, I don’t want to be accused of buying reviews).

Secondly I am trying to raise a small marketing budget. It’s not a large enough amount to do an indigogo or kickstarter for so I’ve set a target on my Ko-Fi page instead. If you enjoy my free stuff and have a spare dollar to throw in the hat I’ll acccept it gratefully. You can also see some of my Fantasy Maps and the occassional link to a piece of flash fiction on my Ko-Fi page. so it’s worth a visit even if you can’t donate.

And finally, as I mentioned, I need beta readers for Lord of the Wolves. If you volunteer for this you’ll get a free final copy of the ebook at the end.

So that’s what’s been going on for me. How have you been, peeps.