Sunday Blog: Bits and Bobs
July 3rd, 2016 | Published in News | 3 Comments
Not much to report here – life goes on. I have a holiday in Scotland coming up at the start of August which I’m looking forward to.
Story Updates:
Dragon Wars – I’m still working on getting Arc 3 ready for its book version. I’m hoping to be able to release it this autumn but I need to find the money for the edit and I’m hesitant to run another Indiegogo campaign. Meanwhile the rewrite of Arc 4 is going slowly. It’s too long for one arc really so I need to find one or two natural break points then I can start untangling the plot lines. If you’d like to help with this so it can be done faster drop me a line.
Caredale – The first really big turn of the story is coming up in the next few installments.
Haventon and Whisper – I’m still working on building up buffer. I promise these will be back before Autumn but I don’t have a timescale yet.
Shattered – Episode 2 of Shattered went live on Gumroad late last week. Remember it’s Pay what you will and £0 is an acceptable subscription amount. I’ll pop the discussion link up soon.
Indigo – a while back I started working on a superhero fantasy and it’s been sitting on my hard disc gathering dust. So I’ve started posting it on my Patreon at a rate of 250-300 words a day. It’s public so you don’t need to be a Patron. (I haven’t posted for a couple of days because certain real world political developments have setting implications I’m thinking through but I’ve decided to play it by ear). I am considering moving it from Patreon (Patreon is not great for serial content) either to the site or a more likely a separate blog for design reasons. (Why a separate blog? Partly because the navigation bar of the website is getting a bit crowded and I don’t have the time or money to do a redesign and partly as an experiment to see if multi-story sites like this or single story sites do better at attracting readers). I’d be fascinated to hear your thoughts on the matter.
Hey, it’s been a while. You sound busy. I’d love to help you with the Dragon Wars arc 4. Ping me and let me know how I can he. 🙂
Thanks! Look out for an email at the weekend.
Will do 😉