Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Fifty Four Part Four
July 10th, 2015 | Published in Dragon Wars | 1 Comment
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Daniel prepared to jump on the dragon and cage in his essence the way Andrew had when he helped stop Naria frenzying but it proved unnecessary; the dragon crumpled the floor and lay there unmoving. So instead, Daniel crawled over to him as the building shuddered again and checked his pulse. He was still alive but unconscious and breathing raggedly.
If you have any healing ability, use it, Eritan said. And for goodness sake keep him unconscious, he will frenzy if he wakes up in that state. And don’t forget to keep an eye on your own state. You’ve still got Savira’s venom to contend with.
I know. Daniel sipped some more antidote before laying a hand on the dragon’s head. What’s his name? I didn’t catch it.
Kiasan. Eritan said. He’s a good kid. Look after him.
I will. Daniel closed his eyes and dropped down into Kiasan’s mind gently, pushing him further into unconsciousness before turning to his life affinity to try and see the injury. Kiasan’s skull was cracked and blood was slowly pooling under the injury and putting pressure on his brain. Daniel didn’t know much about first aid, but he knew that wasn’t good. He had no idea how to help and was afraid he would cause more damage if he tried. If only Ebona was there… He’d just have to hope the attackers broke through and reached them in time to save Kiasan and he’d have to ask about getting some healing training after this was over.
Just stop the bleeding. Ebona’s voice sounded in his head. You can manage that. We’ve broken through and I’m on my way with Halia and Alaryia.
You were watching? Daniel asked.
I felt you being hurt, she said. I was worried about you. Now just deal with the bleeding in his skull. You can do that. It’s basically a bruise. You know how to deal with bruises.
It was true, he did know how to deal with a bruise – but he’d never dealt with one so close to a brain before. What if he messed up? Still it was becoming obvious he couldn’t make things much worse, Kiasan was going to die if the pressure built much more. So he took a breath and sent his mind skittering along the capillaries, looking for tears and healing them as he found them. The slow seepage of blood finally stopped but there was still a lot of pressure. At least it wasn’t increasing now and he’d done all he could, so he looked back to the fight between his father and Savira.
In contrast to when she’d fought him Savira was moving with a cold precision to counter the attacks of both Eritan and Matthias that only solidified his suspicion that she’d been dissembling before, though he couldn’t imagine why. And the fight was getting worryingly close, so Daniel drank more antidote and wove a shield around himself and Kiasan before sagging back against the wall to wait for Ebona.
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Oh, so that savira is quite powerful when two of them cannot subdue her…
PS: stuff:
Daniel prepared to jump on the dragon and cage in his essence the way Andrew had when he helped stop Naria frenzying but it proved unnecessary; the dragon *crumpled the floor* and lay there unmoving. => though funny it would be him crumpling the floor I guess you meant crumpled *at* or *down to* the floor… => …dragon crumpled *at* the floor and lay there unmoving.