Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Fifty Six Part Fourteen

October 19th, 2015  |  Published in Dragon Wars  |  3 Comments

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A/N:  Tentative release date for Haventon Born plus a poll.

A/N2: Got facebook? Why not like the Firebird Fiction Facebook Page

“Okay, he just needs to finish something and then he’ll jump in.” Laxmi put the phone away. “He’ll ping your wards first so you don’t have to take them down for more than a second.”

“That’s good,” Sonia said. “Thank you for warning us, Carrie.”

“Yes, thank you for warning us about this, Carrie,” Matthias said. “It’s almost human of you.”

“Tsk.” Carrie sounded amused rather than annoyed. “Your gratitude would seem more genuine if you didn’t add that last bit.”

“I know,” he said. “True though.”

“Pot, kettle, black, Matthias,” she said. “Well, I’ve delivered my warning. I’ll leave you and your family to decide how to best protect your son.” Her projection vanished.

“You really can’t resist needling her can you?” Julie asked.

“Not really, no,” Matthias said. “She’s caused me too much trouble in the past, and she was so eager to find ammunition against me that was willing to endanger us all by messing with Dan during that scrying merge.”

“Yeah, given the latter I guess that’s fair,” Julie said. “And she does make people want to throttle her as a matter of course.”

Matthias nodded then looked up. “Ah! Darlryan is here already. I’ll let him in.”

“So what’s happening?” Darlryan asked as soon as he appeared. “Lan said someone had a premonition that Andrew is in danger during the plan?”

“Yes,” Sonia said. “She’s a solitary seer… you know what that is, right?” She looked over at Matthias. “I think I’ll see if Carrie will send her over to show us what she saw. We need more information.”

“I doubt it,” Matthias said. “But yes, try.”

“Let me try,” Julie said. “She’s more likely to do it for me. Our relationship with them is more neutral than the Keefes.”

“That’s true,” Sonia said. “I’ll leave it to you.”

Julie nodded and closed her eyes and Sonia turned back to Darlryan.

“It’s been suggested that we leave him somewhere safe during the fight tomorrow,” Sonia said. “But Kiataran says he may be needed.”

“He will be,” Darlryan said. “Unless Lydia is well enough to fight or Xantaria doesn’t attack us by some miracle. We’ll have enough punch to fight her off with only three of your children in the team but two would be pushing it if she brings her allies with her.”

“Which she probably will,” Julie said. “Carrie is sending Joanne over. She agreed rather too easily so I’d keep an eye on the girl. I think she’s up to something.”

“She’s always up to something,” Adrian said. “But Jo is okay. We used to study together before I left school. I was her maths coach. She was one of the few people to work out how much of my behaviour was an act.”

“Perceptive, then,” Julie said. “She may be okay but that’s just more reason to be cautious about her in these circumstances.”

“I know,” he said. “But she’d have never done what her mother did to Daniel.” He looked up as the doorbell rang. “I guess that’s her.”

A/N:  Tentative release date for Haventon Born plus a poll.

A/N2: Got facebook? Why not like the Firebird Fiction Facebook Page

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3 Responses to “Dragon Wars Saga Arc Four: The Torn Sky Chapter Fifty Six Part Fourteen”

  1. mjkj says:

    That was fast, I hope Joanne is not trying to cross them… =S

    PS: missing word suspected:
    “Not really, no,” Matthias said. “She’s caused me too much trouble in the past, and she was so eager to find ammunition against me that * was willing to endanger us all by messing with Dan during that scrying merge.” => *she* => …against me that *she* was willing to endanger us all…

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