Not a Sunday Blog: Don’t do that again, Becka
August 16th, 2016 | Published in News
If you’re noticing that the site looks a little different (most obviously the little vote boxes at the end of posts are missing) then it’s entirely my fault.
Last night I was googling something and discovered that my site had some sort of hack that meant in google some pages were redirecting to spam sites. This didn’t affect things on the site (I checked) just coming in from outside and possibly just google as I couldn’t make it happen in Bing.
Anyway I set out to fix it and managed to get the wordpress whitescreen of death. While I was tearing my hair out a friend suggested I do a clean install and reupload the database backup (thank goodness I had a database backup) and the media files (which I rescued via cpanel). It worked but I’m having to reinstall the plugins manually so things may not be entirely normal for a few days. Also today’s Caredale episode will be up tomorrow as I spent last night’s writing time fixing this.
Anyway, while we’re here let’s have a few more updates.
Personal news: Due to the pound crashing after the referendum my job went away. I’m currently searching for a new one and already a wreck because JSA is not going to cover my bills.
Story News:
Tales of the First now has its own website. It’s a superhero tale and if you like my writing you might want to check it out. It updates daily by between 250 and 300 words.
I am working on the Shattered August update. This would be a good time to jump aboard. Remember you don’t have to pay anything unless you want to.
Help Request
I’m on a publicity drive. Obviously I can’t really afford any advertising once the current credit on Project Wonderful runs out so I’m hoping people will help with the things below. There’s a couple of things you can do if you’re willing.
- TVTropes Updates: Various are needed but troper etiquette prevents me doing it myself.
Dragon Wars has a TV Tropes page but someone seems to have deleted the original and current one is very sparse. If people could add tropes and also add the serial to the appropriate trope pages so people can wikiwalk the to the serial that would be awesome.
Caredale doesn’t have a page yet but as a spinoff it can probably go on the Dragon Wars page.
The Haventon Chronicles needs a page and links from the tropes pages (I suggest starting with the various our monsters are different subtropes).
Whisper also needs a page.
Tales and Shattered will need pages but it maybe a little soon.
2. Word of Mouth is awesome.
Ratings and Reviews on the Webfiction Guide would really help.? Dragon Wars, Whisper and Haventon.
Once the TVTropes pages are up to speed you can post reviews on there too.
And there is a Webfiction subreddit where you can post reviews.
If you have a Facebook account or blog why not post a review on there where your friends will see it?
Last but not least for the books there is Amazon and Lulu could do with reviews.
Or tweet a link to your followers on Twitter (do it on Wednesday – I’m resurrecting #webficwed – a hashtag for tweeting webserials you like on a Wednesday).
#Webfictionchat and the bookclub
And speaking of Twitter there is now a webfiction chat taking place every Sunday at 7pm EST (or EDT currently). If you have a Twitter come along and join us – you might find more great webfiction to read.
One of the things we’re going to be doing is a bookclub each month from September. You can see more information here. The discussion’s for the bookclub will be on the third Sunday of the month and September’s webfiction is Antlers, Colorado – an excellent Urban Fantasy serial, which I highly recommend.
Wow, that ended up longer than I expected. See you tomorrow with a Caredale update.