Tentative Haventon Book 1 release date.
October 16th, 2015 | Published in News | 2 Comments
Okay peeps,
I’m about to send the manuscript of Haventon Book 1 off to the ebook formatter and I’m looking to have it up and ready to buy before Halloween. Hopefully by the 25th October.
So I need to ask you a couple of questions. I’m doing them as polls as I seem to get a better level of response that way.
Thanks in advance.
Will you be buying a copy Haventon Born?
If yes would you be willing to make your purchase on launch day to help generate a bit of buzz?
Comments to poll on Haverton Born:
Buying it:
Maybe is actually yes to either PDF or paperback – maybe both…
The ‘maybe’ to ‘purchase on launch date’ is:
If I remember it and have the chance (ie. nothing gets in the way)
Thanks! I’m thinking the ebook release will be a few days before the paperback date (due to me having to await arrival of the proof copy for the paperback). Keep an eye out on the site, facebook page and Twitter for the announcement.