News Post

June 2nd, 2014  |  Published in News  |  5 Comments

Hi Readers!

Just a few bits of news.

I finally got book 2 up at all the usual venues.  Check out the Books page for links.

I’m starting an author newsletter. It won’t be an everyday thing, I’m thinking probably once a month – maybe less – and will contain links to upcoming book releases, excerpts of works in progress that aren’t being posted on the website, and general news about my writing. There’s a signup form in the sidebar so please consider subscribing.

I’m thinking of starting a Patreon page. Would people donate if I did? I’m being made redundant from my day job at the end of this month so now would be a good time for me to start making money at this if I can.

Thanks again for reading my stuff!





5 Responses to “News Post”

  1. mjkj says:

    Generally I am open to partake in patreon – but only if I can do so in my currency not in us$!

    That means that I can donate for example 1 € each instalment not 95 cent one time and 1.07 € the next…

    • Rebecca Sutton says:

      Yes, I can understand that. Exchange rates can be so irritating. I’ve checked the FAQ and it’s not entirely clear if this is possible or not. I’ve sent a tweet at them to ask.

      • mjkj says:

        It is not possible yet – I had already contacted the patreon team because of that some months ago. They responded fast but said it is not (yet) possible.

        The faq says basically you can select any (dollar-)amount you like but one can use ones own currency to pay for that.

    • Rebecca Sutton says:

      Unfortunately according to this not at the moment.

      I would say that it won’t vary per installment though because they’ll take it all at the end of each month based on the exchange rate that way. It will vary between months though. I give $5/month (I’d either set it up weekly or monthly not per installment) to MCA Hogarth via Patreon and over the last two months (I’ve only been a patron for two months) that’s been £3.06 and £3.08 respectively so fairly stable.

      The other option (which can run along side) is to set up a paypal subscription button for people who want to donate per month in their own currencies.

      • mjkj says:

        Yeah, that might be the case. I would rather prefer to have the same amount in my currency every time – and an amount that ends in .00.

        That would be nice

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